Kensuke’s Kingdom is based on the beloved children’s novel by Michael Morpurgo and has been adapted for screen by Frank Cottrell-Boyce. Telling the adventures of Michael, a young boy shipwrecked on a remote island, adapting to life alone, the animated film follows Michael as he begins to learn about the dangers and beauties of his new home.
The film boasts an incredible cast of voice actors, including Cillian Murphy, Sally Hawkins, Raffey Cassidy, Ken Watanabe and newcomer Aaron MacGregor.
The SMB Film & TV team was delighted to work with Ruth Fielding and Camilla Deakin of Lupus Films on this project, as well as SMB Partner and Co-head of Film & TV, Nick Miller, who is an executive producer himself.
Please enjoy this trailer for Kensuke’s Kingdom, which will be released in UK cinemas on Friday 2nd August.
SMB is pleased to announce it has advised client Spencer Pollard and the other shareholders of KFilm Limited on the sale of Kaleidoscope Home Entertainment/Kaleidoscope Film Distribution and Icon Film Distribution to John Gore Media Limited, the owner of Hammer Films.
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Read moreEarlier this month, Senior Partner and Co-Head of SMB’s Commercial Media Team, Simon Goldberg, appeared on the More Than a Lawyer podcast, discussing the ever-relevant topic of workplace culture.
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