SMB Media team work on new Eco Doc, Blue Carbon, with client, Make Waves Films

14th December 2022

Our Media team are thrilled to have worked on the up-and-coming Eco Doc, Blue Carbon (working title), with our client, Make Waves Films, who have produced the film with HHMI Tangled Bank Studios, CNN and Conservation International.

The feature-length film is an exciting, environmentally focused musical piece fronted by Grammy-nominated producer and DJ Jayda G with music from Wu-Tang leader RZA and Brazilian artist Seu Jorge. It will combine music and science, dance culture and art. The director of this film is Nicolas Brown and the executive producer is Fernando Meirelles.

The SMB team on this deal was Partner James Greenslade and Associates Rachelle Senghor and Annika Chauhan. We are all excited to see the project when completed, which should be in Spring 2023.

Deadline – Fernando Meirelles, RZA, Seu Jorge & Jayda G Among Team Behind Eco Doc ‘Blue Carbon’ From Producers Make Waves & Tangled Bank